10 Low Sodium Foods for a Heart Healthy Diet
For those struggling with heart issues such as congestive heart failure, other medical problems, or simply want to eat a heart healthy diet to avoid future issues, a low sodium diet is a key component of heart health. These are 10 of the cornerstone foods of said diet.
Most fresh fruits are naturally low in, if not completely devoid of, sodium. Treats like apples, grapes, strawberries, mangoes, watermelon, and oranges can make a great sweet treat, especially for those trying to ween themselves off highly processed snacks.
Much like fruits, fresh vegetables like asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, and etc. are normally devoid of sodium. However, be sure to avoid frozen or prepackaged vegetables are usually loaded with salt and other sodium-rich preservatives.
Whole Grains:
While white breads and pastas should generally be avoided, whole grains like quinoa, sorghum, brown rice, whole-grain pasta, and oats all fit into your hearth healthy diet.
While obviously beef should still be enjoyed in moderation, from purely a sodium standpoint, thin cuts of red meat are a good choice for those looking for a protein option. Additionally, they’re probably your best bet if you’re eating out, as red meat is least likely to have been packaged or transported soaking in protein-based preservatives. Just be sure to order them unseasoned and unsalted.
Chicken is another solid option if you’re looking for protein. Of course, fried chicken isn’t an option unfortunately. but grilled, broiled, or baked chicken are all on the table. There are also numerous sodium-free sauce and seasoning options like Mrs. Dash.
If beef or chicken aren’t appealing to you, fish is also an option. There’s plenty of options including filet, salmon, or tuna. However, no frying, and much like vegetables it’s best to avoid any prepackaged or frozen options as they’re likely full of salt preservatives.
Eggs are another low sodium, high protein option as long as they’re prepared right. As laid out by SFGate:
“enhance the flavor with fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. Adding fresh herbs is another way to make flavorful eggs without salt. Use water in place of milk to further reduce how much sodium is in your scrambled eggs. Season hard-boiled eggs with a sprinkle of paprika or black pepper instead of salt.”
If you’re looking something to snack on, in particular if you’re newly on a diet and have just dropped salty snacks like potato chips or etc., nuts like peanuts or cashews are a great replacement snack option. Said nuts can be roasted, but – and yes this is common sense but we’re saying it anyway – they need to be unsalted.
If you’re looking for a way to still get your dairy fix in, yogurt can be your dietary savior. Just keep an eye on the labels to make sure that whatever brand you’re planning on enjoying is sodium free.
Dark Chocolate Covered Raisins:
While there are many candies that are overly processed, dark chocolate covered raisins SHOULD (keyword there, should) be a sodium free way candy one can still indulge in.
While these foods are simply a guide, the most important thing to do to keep up with a low sodium diet diet is to continuously read labels and ingredient lists to make sure you’re staying on top of what you’re putting in your body.